About the E-Plan
What is a General Plan?
A General Plan is a city policy document required by California state law (Government Code §65300-65303.4) that provides a “long term, comprehensive, integrated, internally consistent and compatible statement” of goals and policies that reflect local conditions and the community vision. Within this broad requirement, some aspects of the General Plan are tightly prescribed, while others are left to the discretion of individual cities or counties. State law requires that a General Plan address eight mandatory subject areas, or “elements” including, land use, circulation, housing, open space, conservation, noise, safety, and environmental justice. The elements may be combined in any way a jurisdiction deems appropriate and additional topics, such as arts and culture, may be added to help guide a city into the future.
What is the E-Plan?
The Thousand Oaks General Plan 2045 E-Plan is an interactive website version of the City’s adopted General Plan document. This offers users the ability to view goals, policies, actions, and maps easily and to search by topic. By design, the E-Plan does not contain background content and detailed supportive text found in the General Plan document.
To view all background content, read the full Thousand Oaks 2045 General Plan document here.
Explore the E-Plan

By Chapter
Chapters of the General Plan have been incorporated into the E-Plan in a condensed format, focusing on goals and policies. View all available chapters below.

By Topic
The E-Plan features cross-cutting topics that group related goals and policies together according to the topic regardless of chapter.

Explore plan implementation through the implementation matrix where you can filter actions by various parameters relevant to the plan.

Interactive Mapping
View the Land Use Designations map online through the City’s interactive map viewer embedded into the site. View in a separate tab for more functionality.