This chapter of the General Plan describes the system of governance in the City and provides goals and policies to continue being a properly-functioning, responsive and participatory government. The City recognizes the critical importance of public participation and promoting diversity in the approach of governance.
Goals and Policies
Community Engagement
Goal G-1: Engage and empower all members of the community to participate in the City’s decision-making process.
G-1.1 Communication.
Expand communications with residents about City initiatives through a new City website, newsletters, social media, “State of the City” address, and other methods. Track the usage and effectiveness of communication methods and focus resources on the most impactful methods of reaching community members.
G-1.2 Diverse engagement.
Hold diverse in-person and virtual community engagement activities (e.g., community workshops, focus groups, pop-up workshops, etc.) to gather community input into future planning processes and other decision-making activities. Hold these community meetings in locations and at times that are convenient for community members.
G-1.3 Education and capacity building.
Take creative steps to educate community members about the City’s decision-making process.
G-1.4 Translation at public meetings.
Provide live translation services as feasible and if requested for City sponsored public workshops and hearings.
G-1.5 Meeting and event accessibility.
Provide accessibility for members of the public with special needs or disabilities at all City meetings and City-sponsored events.
G-1.6 Increase outreach.
Partner with local organizations and institutions, such as religious institutions, non-profit organizations, and community-based organizations, to increase outreach opportunities.
G-1.7 Utilize communication channels.
Use digital platforms and traditional communication channels to notify community members of important meetings, events, policies, and actions before decision-making bodies.
G-1.8 Community Attitude Surveys.
Use Community Attitude Surveys on a regular basis to determine the public’s satisfaction with City services.
Equitable and Welcoming Community
Goal G-2: Create a more equitable, accessible, safe, welcoming, and inclusive government and community regardless of race, color, ethnicity, religion, gender, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, language, education and/or socioeconomic status.
G-2.1 Racial and social equity.
Seek opportunities to increase racial and social equity within the City’s organizational structure.
G-2.2 Equity trainings.
Create equity trainings for all City staff, elected officials, and appointed officials.
G-2.3 City staff diversity.
Strive to ensure that City staff’s diversity reflects the City’s diversity and Ventura County region.
G-2.4 Boards and commissions diversity.
Strive to ensure that the City’s boards and commissions reflect the diversity of backgrounds, races, ethnicities, physical abilities, gender, sexual orientation, and ages of Thousand Oaks residents.
Transparent and Responsible Government
Goal G-3: Provide municipal government leadership that is open and responsive to residents and is characterized by ethical behavior, stability, and transparency.
G-3.1 Customer service.
Prioritize a high level of customer service responsiveness and accessibility to the community.
G-3.2 Hybrid public meetings.
Hold hybrid model public meetings (with in-person and online options) that allow for greater participation in decision-making.
G-3.3 Public involvement in budgeting.
Implement methods to encourage public participation in the budget process. Proactively seek input from demographic segments of the community that are traditionally underrepresented in decision-making, including individuals with language barriers and disabilities.
G-3.4 Service evaluations.
Periodically solicit service evaluations from the community and utilize feedback to improve the City’s policies, ordinances, programs, and funding priorities.
Goal G-4: Operate City government in a fiscally and managerially responsible way to ensure that the City of Thousand Oaks remains one of California’s most desirable places to live, work, visit, recreate, and raise a family.
G-4.1 Diversify fiscal sources.
Consider new and diversified fiscal sources to maintain the City’s long-term fiscal health.
G-4.2 Infrastructure financing tools.
Consider the use of available infrastructure financing tools such as Tax Increment Financing, Public Assessment districts, and other public-private partnerships.
G-4.3 Economic development best practices.
Support and coordinate economic development by following ‘best practices’ to maintain a balanced budget with flexibility to provide both sufficient ongoing operational revenues and maintain prudent level of reserves to meet economic uncertainties.
G-4.4 Strategic infrastructure investments.
Promote strategic infrastructure investments to support sustainable economic growth, leveraging State and Federal resources.
G-4.5 Fiscal policy review.
Conduct thorough and frequent reviews of fiscal policies in order to maintain balanced tax and fee structures, and to respond to changing fiscal policies at broader governmental levels.
Regional Leadership & Partnerships
Goal G-5: Foster partnerships with other regional and local agencies to ensure residents have access to high quality parks, recreation, education and leisure programs and services.
G-5.1 Leadership appointments.
Proactively seek appointments to regional and state committees/boards and continue to advocate for state legislation that positively impacts City services and future City objectives.
G-5.2 Regional planning and governance.
Participate in regional planning and governance activities to advocate for policies and programs that benefit Thousand Oaks and the region as a whole.
G-5.3 Collaborate with neighboring jurisdictions.
Work closely with adjacent jurisdictions on topics of mutual importance, including transportation, sustainability and climate change, open space, and land use/development decisions.
G-5.4 Parks and open space partnerships.
Partner with agencies and organizations that preserve and expand parks and open spaces within and around Thousand Oaks, including COSCA, CRPD, Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, and others.
G-5.5 Expand hospitality.
Work with the Conejo Valley hospitality sector to market Thousand Oaks as a unique tourist destination, which can create jobs and support fiscal health as new tax revenues are generated.
G-5.6 Local employer partnerships.
Collaborate with existing and future employers, local institutions, and business groups on programming and marketing the City.
G-5.7 Regional economic partnerships.
Strengthen relationships with regional economic development entities (e.g., Greater Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce, Ventura County Economic Development Collaborative, Ventura County Economic Development Association) to support business attraction and retention.
G-5.8 Institutional partnerships.
Strengthen partnerships with regional academic institutions (e.g., California Lutheran University, CSU Channel Islands, and Moorpark College) and industry representatives to craft workforce development strategies and other educational programs that serve City objectives.
G-5.9 Local workforce training.
Collaborate with California Lutheran University, Moorpark College, CSU Channel Islands, Workforce Development Board, and major employers within the region to create internship and apprenticeship opportunities and mid-career training.
G-5.10 Environmental leadership.
Demonstrate environmental leadership through continued investment in open space, clean and renewable energy, and sustainability, and seek to minimize environmental impact of actions.
City Identity & Branding
Goal G-6: Support and promote a City brand and identity that represents a multigenerational, diverse, welcoming, and innovation-driven community.
G-6.1 Promote livability.
Promote Thousand Oaks as an attractive place to live and work for a variety of groups, including young professionals, families, and seniors.
G-6.2 Promote inclusivity and diversity.
Promote Thousand Oaks as an inclusive, diverse, and safe place for all people including those who identify as LGBTQIA+, those with intellectual, physical and/or developmental needs regardless of ethnicities, race, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and socio-economic status.
G-6.3 Digital infrastructure.
Support high-quality digital infrastructure and promote shared and co-working office facilities to capitalize on the “work from anywhere economy.”
General Plan Implementation
Goal G-7: Implement the 2045 General Plan and regularly update the plan to respond to new opportunities and challenges.
G-7.1 Workplan tied to the General Plan.
Utilize departmental workplans to address the goals, policies and implementation actions of the General Plan.
G-7.2 Annual Goal Setting.
Reference the General Plan as part of the City Council’s annual goal-setting sessions.
G-7.3 Phasing and financing.
Adopt phasing and financing strategies to implement the General Plan targets. The City’s biennial process and Capital Improvement Plan should be consistent with the General Plan implementation timeframes.
G-7.4 Routine General Plan modifications.
Conduct review and minor updates to the General Plan every five years to reflect changes in State regulations, new technologies, and new opportunities and challenges.
G-7.5 Comprehensive General Plan Updates.
Conduct a comprehensive, citywide visioning effort and update to the General Plan no later than 15 years after the adoption of the 2045 General Plan.