Plan Chapters

General Plan Chapters

Plan chapters, also referred to by their technical name, “elements” are chapters of the general plan that cover state-mandated and voluntary content that will shape the future of the City of Thousand Oaks. Explore the plan elements through the links below.

Land Use

Identifies the distribution, location, and density or intensity of all allowed land use for every parcel of land within the city.

Arts and Culture

Covers the community’s commitment to performing and visual arts, and cultural events in Thousand Oaks.


Identifies the location and extent for all roadways, trails, bikeways, and transit routes in Thousand Oaks.  


Identifies community risks associated with natural and manmade hazards such as seismic, fire, flooding, and hazardous materials.

Parks and Open Space

Details the City’s parks and open space system including facilities, management, maintenance, preservation, enhancement, and expansion of natural open space and public parks.


Identifies current and potential noise sources and levels.


Addresses the preservation and conservation of natural resources in Thousand Oaks.


Outlines government functions and organization.

Community Facilities and Services

Addresses supply, distribution, and sanitation of the water and sewer systems, along with other topics like waste disposal, public safety, public and private schools, civic facilities, and health care facilities.


Implementation actions are presented in a matrix under the “Implementation” tab.