Jobs and Economic Development
The section below identifies goals and policies throughout the General Plan related to Jobs and Economic Development. Use the buttons below to jump to a specific chapter.
Goal LU-1: Create a land use pattern of development that preserves existing neighborhoods while providing opportunities for targeted infill projects in strategic locations to enhance the quality of life, preserve the natural environment, and ensure the long-term fiscal viability of Thousand Oaks.
LU-1.2 Complete community.
Strive to maintain a diverse and balanced mix of uses in the City, so that Thousand Oaks is a “complete community” with a diversity of housing for all stages of life and income levels; improve alignment of educational attainment opportunities with high-paying employment opportunities, open space, public facilities that meet residents’ needs, and retail and services to support daily life.
LU-1.3 Balance character and infill.
Maintain community character while promoting infill development that brings needed housing, amenities, and jobs to the City.
LU-1.5 Mixed-use development.
Allow mixed-use developments, consistent with the General Plan land use map, to support a healthy jobs/housing balance, promote walkability, and increase economic vibrancy.
LU-1.8 Entitlement process.
Seek to be a business-friendly City by streamlining the City’s entitlement process to encourage new development and renovations of existing buildings for residential and non-residential uses.
LU-1.9 Adaptive reuse.
Promote adaptive reuse of existing buildings, especially those with building designs that reinforce community design and pedestrian orientation.
Goal LU-6: Enhance the City’s core high-value sectors and diversify its job base in a manner that contributes to the City’s long term economic vitality.
LU-6.1 Attract biotechnology.
Expand the biotechnology sector by attracting new companies and startups, and foster relationships between existing biotechnology, educational, and healthcare organizations in the region.
LU-6.2 Support small technology businesses.
Leverage the strong demand for research and development and flex spaces to support smaller high-technology and biotechnology firms.
LU-6.3 Attract complementary professional services.
Attract other professional services that complement existing industries (e.g., biotechnology, healthcare).
LU-6.4 Coworking facilities.
Encourage amenity-rich coworking spaces to attract employees that want to work remotely.
LU-6.5 High-value industrial uses.
Preserve industrial land for high value uses. Discourage development of logistics and warehousing facilities, as well as self-storage facilities.
LU-6.6 Employment intensification.
Support the intensification of employment uses within the Industrial Low and Industrial Flex land use designations, as indicated on the General Plan Land Use Map.
LU-6.7 Emerging industries.
Attract and retain innovative and emerging businesses in the fields of research and development, technology, life sciences, aerospace, and medicine.
LU-6.8 Non-polluting industries.
Promote the development of clean industries that do not produce significant amounts of air pollution, water pollution or other sources of pollution that negatively impact human health or the natural environment.
LU-6.9 Employee services.
Enhance the working environment by allowing and promoting small retail, restaurants, day care, and service uses that directly serve employees.
LU-6.10 Redevelopment of older buildings.
Encourage redevelopment of older office nodes that have the potential to become ‘next generation’ workspaces including spaces for coworking, and research and development.
LU-6.11 Jobs/housing relationship.
Work with large employers to explore programs and policies that promote additional housing in Thousand Oaks to support a growing number of employees. These could include incentives to build housing for company employees, a jobs-housing linkage fee, and other impact fees.
Goal LU-7: Redevelop underperforming commercial areas to support a thriving local economy.
LU-7.1 Redevelopment of declining centers.
Encourage redevelopment of vacant and underutilized properties, including declining shopping centers, to become high performing commercial and service areas.
LU-7.2 Flexible commercial uses.
Encourage flexibility in building design to allow for uses and programs to evolve and adapt to the fast-paced changes of the retail industry.
LU-7.3 Retail connectivity to neighborhoods.
Support retail development that incorporates pedestrian connectivity to surrounding neighborhoods.
Goal LU-13: Create a Downtown Core that is a vibrant and welcoming place that serves as the “heart of the City.”
LU-13.5 Boutique hotel.
Encourage the development of a boutique hotel in the Downtown Core.
LU-13.8 Retail and service market area.
Create a vibrant and captive market to support local businesses by promoting mixed-use with housing, retail and dining, hotels, and a diversity of housing types (in terms of size of units, affordability, and tenure) in and around the Downtown Core area.
LU-13.9 Programmable outdoor space.
Integrate both indoor and outdoor programmable spaces to develop robust calendar of events to attract residents and visitors to Downtown Core year-round.
Goal LU-14: Activate Thousand Oaks Boulevard as a walkable, mixed-use area with housing, retail, restaurants, office, and services.
LU-14.7 Neighborhood goods and services.
Encourage the preservation or addition of retail and service uses that provide for the daily needs of residents, including markets, cafes, childcare, restaurants, healthcare, and other service-oriented uses.
Goal LU-15: Repurpose The Oaks mall into a mixed-use center combining housing, entertainment, visitor serving uses, retail, and other uses in a walkable neighborhood.
LU-15.4 Retail.
Maintain a diversity of retail uses so that the new neighborhood provides positive tax revenues for the City of Thousand Oaks and includes uses that provide goods and services for the residents of Thousand Oaks.
Goal LU-17: Reinforce the Rancho Conejo North area as an innovation campus and research park that offers supportive commercial, and hospitality uses.
LU-17.1 Biotech and technology hub.
Support the continued expansion of the biotech and technologies industries.
LU-17.2 Variety of office types.
Support the development of business incubator space, wet labs, research and development space, modern offices, and co-working spaces as desired by the market.
LU-17.3 Warehouse and distribution.
Prohibit the construction of new buildings that primarily provide large scale warehouse and distribution services.
LU-17.4 Redevelopment of buildings.
Support the redevelopment of older industrial and commercial uses into higher intensity office, and research and development buildings.
LU-17.7 Amgen coordination.
Coordinate with Amgen to maintain their headquarters and campus.
Goal LU-18: Diversify land uses along Highway 101 Corridor in Rancho Conejo South.
LU-18.2 Hotel and hospitality uses.
Support the addition of hotel and conference amenities that support employment uses along the Highway 101 corridor.
LU-18.3 Mixed-use community on Hillcrest Drive.
Develop a mixed-use community on Hillcrest Drive that supports workforce housing for the Rancho Conejo industrial area and the following:
- Improve connectivity to adjacent transportation modes, including Park-N-Ride facilities, bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
- Provide transitional uses, design features, and setbacks from the existing neighborhood to the east.
Goal LU-19: Enhance the Westlake and East End employment districts as a cohesive mix of employment, commercial, and hospitality uses.
LU-19.1 Commercial intersection.
Support the continued commercial uses in the East End and Westlake area, particularly The Promenade at Westlake and Westlake Plaza.
LU-19.2 Intensify employment uses.
Support intensification of industrial and employment uses southeast of Thousand Oaks Boulevard and Lakeview Canyon Road, including attracting new and expanding biotech and tech businesses.
LU-19.3 Variety of office types.
Encourage development of business incubator space, research and development space, offices, and co-working spaces as desired by the market in the employment and industrial areas both north and south of Highway 101 in the Westlake and East End areas.
Goal CFS-16: Support the ongoing operations and expansion of California Lutheran University (CLU) in Thousand Oaks.
CFS-16.6 Local business partnerships.
Encourage and actively facilitate partnerships between CLU and local businesses to integrate job opportunities and educational programming.
Goal AC-1: Embrace arts and culture as a key partner to Thousand Oaks’ economic development.
AC-1.1 Creative sector.
Continue to develop programs and support systems for Thousand Oaks’ creative sector, attracting new workers to the community and retaining current workers and businesses.
Goal AC-2: Ensure the Civic Arts Plaza remains the vibrant cultural center of Thousand Oaks.
AC-2.4 Arts and business roundtable.
Develop an Arts and Business Roundtable to expand community partnerships, assist with programming of the new Civic Arts Plaza and other relevant topics for advancement of the arts for the City.
Goal G-4: Operate City government in a fiscally and managerially responsible way to ensure that the City of Thousand Oaks remains one of California’s most desirable places to live, work, visit, recreate, and raise a family.
G-4.3 Economic development best practices.
Support and coordinate economic development by following ‘best practices’ to maintain a balanced budget with flexibility to provide both sufficient ongoing operational revenues and maintain prudent level of reserves to meet economic uncertainties.
Goal G-5: Foster partnerships with other regional and local agencies to ensure residents have access to high quality parks, recreation, education and leisure programs and services.
G-5.5 Expand hospitality.
Work with the Conejo Valley hospitality sector to market Thousand Oaks as a unique tourist destination, which can create jobs and support fiscal health as new tax revenues are generated.
G-5.6 Local employer partnerships.
Collaborate with existing and future employers, local institutions, and business groups on programming and marketing the City.
G-5.7 Regional economic partnerships.
Strengthen relationships with regional economic development entities (e.g., Greater Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce, Ventura County Economic Development Collaborative, Ventura County Economic Development Association) to support business attraction and retention.
G-5.9 Local workforce training.
Collaborate with California Lutheran University, Moorpark College, CSU Channel Islands, Workforce Development Board, and major employers within the region to create internship and apprenticeship opportunities and mid-career training.
Corresponding Implementation Actions
wdt_ID | wdt_created_by | wdt_created_at | wdt_last_edited_by | wdt_last_edited_at | Action | Goal | Chapter | Timeframe | Lead Responsibility | Topic |
1 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | LU-A.1 Comprehensive zoning code update. Following the adoption of the General Plan, prepare a comprehensive update to the Citywide zoning code. | LU-1 | Land Use | Short | Community Development | |
2 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | LU-A.2 Create new mixed-use zoning district. Following the adoption of the General Plan, create a new mixed-use zoning district, including performance standards for infill development on parking lots and commercial structures. | LU-5 | Land Use | Short | Community Development | Parking, Mixed-Use and New Development |
3 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 16/12/2024 10:39 PM | LU-A.3 Inclusionary Housing Program. Adopt and implement an Inclusionary Housing Program. | LU-3 and LU-4 | Land Use | Short | Community Development | Equity, Mixed-Use and New Development |
4 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | LU-A.4 Campus Master Plan. Implement vision of the Downtown Core Master Plan by redesigning the Civic Arts Plaza. | LU-13 | Land Use | Medium | City Manager’s Office | Civic Arts Plaza and Culture |
5 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | LU-A.5 Creation of a downtown core. Initiate public/private partnerships to redevelop Thousand Oaks Boulevard as a “main street” with public, retail, lodging, entertainment and/or multi-family uses. | LU-13 and LU-14 | Land Use | Long | City Manager’s Office | Jobs and Economic Development, Mixed-Use and New Development |
6 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | LU-A.6 Update specific plans. Update Specific Plans where policy changes are required pursuant to the 2045 General Plan policies, starting with the Thousand Oaks Boulevard Specific Plan. | LU-1, LU-13, and LU-14 | Land Use | Short | Community Development | |
7 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | LU-A.7 Specific plan or master plan preparation. Coordinate with property owners of key opportunity sites to prepare Specific Plan or Master Plan efforts for the following areas: The Oaks, Moorpark Road/Janss Marketplace, Highway 101 Corridor/Borchard Property | LU-15, LU-16, LU-17, and LU-18 | Land Use | Medium | Community Development | |
8 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | LU-A.8 Mixed-use and adaptive reuse parking requirements study. Conduct a study to investigate modifying parking requirements for new mixed-use development and adaptive reuse projects. Revise the Thousand Oaks Municipal Code accordingly. | LU-5 | Land Use | Short | Community Development | Sustainability, Health, Parking, Mixed-Use and New Development |
9 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | LU-A.9 Municipal code review for healthy housing. Review, revise, and update the municipal code (as well as other relevant plans, procedures, regulations, guidelines, programs, and design manuals) to promote healthy housing quality. | LU-4 | Land Use | Long | Community Development | Residential Neighborhoods, Health |
10 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | LU-A.10 Affordable housing linkage fee. Study and determine nexus to implement a fee program where new commercial and/or industrial developments pay a fee to fund affordable housing units. | LU-3 and LU-4 | Land Use | Short | Community Development | Equity, Mixed-Use and New Development |
Topic |