Police and Fire Services
The section below identifies goals and policies throughout the General Plan related to Police and Fire Services. Use the buttons below to jump to a specific chapter.
Goal POS-3: Manage and regulate open spaces to protect the natural environment.
POS-3.1 Public service facilities.
Locate and design emergency facilities, or other necessary public service facilities such as trail heads, access roads and parking lots and restrooms, to minimize impacts to open space areas.
Goal POS-5: Manage open spaces to reduce risk of natural hazards and promote the safety of the public.
POS-5.3 Fire protection access.
Continue to accommodate fire protection access, including helipads and fire roads, within natural open space areas in a manner which provides effective protection to the public and minimizes disturbance to natural resources.
Goal CFS-9: Ensure fire protection for all residents and businesses in the City of Thousand Oaks.
CFS-9.1 Emergency and fire technology.
Invest in technological advances that enhance the City’s ability to deliver emergency and fire-rescue services more efficiently and cost-effectively.
CFS-9.2 Fire emergency protocols.
Develop specific protocols for addressing multiple simultaneous fire-related emergencies.
CFS-9.3 After-Action Report recommendations.
Implement the recommendations from After-Action Reports to further improve fire protection services.
CFS-9.4 Regional coordination.
Continue to coordinate with regional agencies, including CAL Fire, on fire protection and suppression.
CFS-9.5 Fire education.
Promote fire education by conducting fire safety and fire prevention programs for schools and other critical facilities.
Goal CFS-10: Provide police services for all residents and businesses in the City.
CFS-10.1 Contract with County Sheriff’s Office.
Continue to contract with the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office on police protection services for the City.
CFS-10.2 Adequate police services.
Meet local demand for police protection service in all areas of the City by providing staff, facilities, and equipment to support existing residents and future growth in population and employment growth. Specifically, maintain Ventura County Sheriff’s Office response time goal of 10 minutes for emergency calls and 20 minutes for non-emergency calls.
CFS-10.3 Police emergency protocols.
Work with the Sheriff Department to develop specific protocols for addressing multiple simultaneous police-related emergencies.
CFS-10.4 Address resource gaps.
Utilize the Sheriff’s Department Mobile Command Center to address resource availability gaps, especially during emergency situations.
CFS-10.5 Community relationships and outreach.
Continue to foster positive, peaceful, mutually supportive relationships between Thousand Oaks residents and the police. Encourage increased community involvement and activities to foster stronger relationships between residents and the Sheriff.
CFS-10.6 Crime prevention features.
Coordinate with the Sheriff’s Department to address community crime issues and to ensure that new development incorporates crime prevention features.
Goal S-5: Provide necessary prevention services to reduce loss and damage due to wildfire.
S-5.2 Road widths and clearances.
Ensure that new development has appropriate road widths and clearances in accordance with:
- Standards specified in the City of Thousand Oaks Road Standards and construction specifications in effect at the time of construction.
- Any other standard and specific conditions required by State and County Fire Codes and VCFD in the permit application.
S-5.7 Fire Hazard Severity Zone map.
Work with the CAL FIRE and VCFD to update the Fire Hazard Severity Zone map as new data is available.
S-5.10 Fire protection for new development.
Require that all new development have adequate fire protection and that development can be served with VCFD’s response time goal.
S-5.27 Evacuation operations planning.
Continue to assess and update the City’s Emergency Operations plan to improve evacuation operations and planning for the community, with a focus on areas with inadequate access/ evacuation routes, identified in Figure 10.9. This includes developing minimum standards for evacuation of residential areas in VHFHSZs.
S-5.28 Emergency service needs.
Continue to assess and update the City’s Emergency Operations plan to assess current emergency service and projected emergency service needs, goals, and standards for emergency services training for City staff and volunteers.
Corresponding Implementation Actions
wdt_ID | wdt_created_by | wdt_created_at | wdt_last_edited_by | wdt_last_edited_at | Action | Goal | Chapter | Timeframe | Lead Responsibility | Topic |
1 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | LU-A.1 Comprehensive zoning code update. Following the adoption of the General Plan, prepare a comprehensive update to the Citywide zoning code. | LU-1 | Land Use | Short | Community Development | |
2 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | LU-A.2 Create new mixed-use zoning district. Following the adoption of the General Plan, create a new mixed-use zoning district, including performance standards for infill development on parking lots and commercial structures. | LU-5 | Land Use | Short | Community Development | Parking, Mixed-Use and New Development |
3 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 16/12/2024 10:39 PM | LU-A.3 Inclusionary Housing Program. Adopt and implement an Inclusionary Housing Program. | LU-3 and LU-4 | Land Use | Short | Community Development | Equity, Mixed-Use and New Development |
4 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | LU-A.4 Campus Master Plan. Implement vision of the Downtown Core Master Plan by redesigning the Civic Arts Plaza. | LU-13 | Land Use | Medium | City Manager’s Office | Civic Arts Plaza and Culture |
5 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | LU-A.5 Creation of a downtown core. Initiate public/private partnerships to redevelop Thousand Oaks Boulevard as a “main street” with public, retail, lodging, entertainment and/or multi-family uses. | LU-13 and LU-14 | Land Use | Long | City Manager’s Office | Jobs and Economic Development, Mixed-Use and New Development |
6 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | LU-A.6 Update specific plans. Update Specific Plans where policy changes are required pursuant to the 2045 General Plan policies, starting with the Thousand Oaks Boulevard Specific Plan. | LU-1, LU-13, and LU-14 | Land Use | Short | Community Development | |
7 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | LU-A.7 Specific plan or master plan preparation. Coordinate with property owners of key opportunity sites to prepare Specific Plan or Master Plan efforts for the following areas: The Oaks, Moorpark Road/Janss Marketplace, Highway 101 Corridor/Borchard Property | LU-15, LU-16, LU-17, and LU-18 | Land Use | Medium | Community Development | |
8 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | LU-A.8 Mixed-use and adaptive reuse parking requirements study. Conduct a study to investigate modifying parking requirements for new mixed-use development and adaptive reuse projects. Revise the Thousand Oaks Municipal Code accordingly. | LU-5 | Land Use | Short | Community Development | Sustainability, Health, Parking, Mixed-Use and New Development |
9 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | LU-A.9 Municipal code review for healthy housing. Review, revise, and update the municipal code (as well as other relevant plans, procedures, regulations, guidelines, programs, and design manuals) to promote healthy housing quality. | LU-4 | Land Use | Long | Community Development | Residential Neighborhoods, Health |
10 | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | christian | 13/12/2024 05:44 PM | LU-A.10 Affordable housing linkage fee. Study and determine nexus to implement a fee program where new commercial and/or industrial developments pay a fee to fund affordable housing units. | LU-3 and LU-4 | Land Use | Short | Community Development | Equity, Mixed-Use and New Development |
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